Sightseeing in the Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean or the edge of the world is a relatively unexplored and mysterious place in the world, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Not everyone has the courage to go on such a trip, in fact, it can be compared to a trip to space, but the conquest of the Arctic Ocean will be much cheaper.

The Arctic Ocean is one big attraction and natural wonder. The waters are surrounded on all sides by the landmass of Eurasia and North America. On the map, the Arctic Ocean is a huge vessel surrounded by seas that adjoin the land. The ocean washes around Canada, Denmark, the United States, Ireland, and Norway. Nenets Autonomous District is washed by four northern seas – the White Sea, the Kara Sea, the Pechora Sea, and the Barents Sea. You can admire the snow-white ice even in summer.

The study of the Arctic Ocean arouses great interest among tourists. Since the northern point is not on land, but on water, such trips become even more interesting and tempting. Tours usually start from the Barents Sea, which is also called the “Gateway to the Arctic”.

The ocean has a special atmosphere and the laws of ice. Tourists have a great opportunity to see orcas, polar bears, seals and walruses in person. Animals do not often meet people, so they look at us with great interest, and in some cases come very close.

The average temperature of the seas in summer is three degrees of heat. Those who like extreme experiences can swim in the Arctic Ocean. The warmest will be in the Barents Sea due to the warm current of the Gulf Stream.

The original version of the trip is a cruise on an icebreaker, on board the ship has everything you need for a comfortable stay and a pleasant pastime. Powerful vessel will take travelers to the most remote point of the planet. Given that the terrain is pristine and uninhabited, traveling alone is not recommended. This separate world has its own conditions, and the routes depend on weather conditions and ice conditions.

The fauna of the Arctic Ocean is characterized by unusual species. Some of them have become truly gigantic. For example, in its waters you can find the largest mussels in the world. No less surprising is the jellyfish Cyanea, whose tentacles reach 20 meters. And the legs of the sea spider are 30 centimeters long. Those familiar with physics will immediately wonder what is the life span of the inhabitants in such conditions? Indeed, the cold helps to prolong the life cycle by slowing down a number of processes. That is why cod live for 20 years in these waters, and halibut can live as long as 40 years.

No special preparation is required to travel on the Arctic Ocean.